Our brother Derek was a champion, a true hero living out what he preached about adoption.
Here's what one of our dear friends, Randy Bohlender wrote:
"Derek leaves a beautiful wife, Renee, and ten children, two biological daughters, five girls adopted from the Marshall Islands, and three sons adopted from the Ukraine. They are quite possibly the most beautiful assembly of human beings I have ever seen.
Derek was a powerful musician, singer and songwriter…but it was his message of adoption that rocked most of us to our core – and then he had the audacity to live out his own message right on front of us, daring us to do the same."
For more information visit my family blog at www.tracieloux.wordpress.com
and Derek and Renee's blog at louxfamilyblog.com
To read more about their ministry plase visit www.josiahfund.org
If you need to contact me about adoption please give me a few weeks to mourn this loss. If you have immediate questions please email info@christianadoptionconsultants.com
I will be back to work soon. Doing what I do, helping other families adopt, is one small way that I can keep the flame that Derek lit so boldly burning.